If you spend any time on TikTok, YouTube, or other creative social media platforms, you may have come across the latest trend in fashion and sustainability: crochet. Videos from beginner stitch tutorials to detailed patterns for complex projects have been going viral, encouraging many other creatives to catch on to this new frenzy. What is crochet? How can you use it? Why is it so valuable? Let’s uncover the diverse positives to this grandmotherly hobby gaining fame.
Why It’s Trending
While there are lots of trends influencing social media creatives, crochet has proven its worth as one of the best. It’s easy to learn, requires little materials, and promotes sustainability because you’re able to create your own pieces instead of supporting fast fashion brands. If there’s a piece trending that you want, instead of buying it immediately online without speculation, you have to decide that this piece is worth your time and effort to create. Having this skill allows you to be more mindful of your consumption and promote slow fashion. It also happens to be adorable!
Local crochet and knitting expert, Linda, shared with us why she loves this hobby: "I enjoy doing something with my hands when I sit to watch TV…I make a lot of gifts for people [and] I love homemade gifts.” Linda learned this valuable skill when she was only fifteen and now makes blankets, sweaters, socks, and even dolls for loved ones.
What You Can Make
Crochet is incredibly diverse and there are so many possibilities for creation. You can crochet clothing like a sweater, accessories including leg warmers, mittens, bags, socks, even earmuffs, home décors like rugs, potholders, and even fake floral arrangements. There are endless options and, because you’re behind the hook, anything and everything can be personalized to you. Here are our favourite unique crochet creations from Pinterest to give you an idea:
Creation Inspiration
Tank top
Strawberry keychain
Tote bag
Tulip bunch
Book sleeve
Granny squares
Find more pieces of your own on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/search/pins/?q=crochet&rs=filter
How to Learn
The easiest way to learn a hands-on skill like crochet is through YouTube or other video tutorials. If reading directions or patterns doesn’t click for you, watching someone else walk you through it is extremely beneficial. Because of its popularity, there is an abundance of creators sharing their tips and tricks for crochet. Mahum Crochets, Kayti Krochets, and Simply Daisy are among many creators who share their crochet skills in an easy-to-learn and fun way. If you’re looking for more, simply searching crochet on YouTube will bring up endless results!
We asked a local crochet-lover who preferred to remain anonymous for their thoughts on learning to crochet: “Learning in the beginning was actually pretty easy…it definitely takes a lot of practice [but] once you get the hang of it, you’re set.” They also shared some essentials they recommended for brand new learners.
To get started, you’ll need the basics: a crochet hook (around $12 for a dozen), yarn (price varying on the size), and lots of patience. That means you can start with only $20 in your pocket! Hooks come in many different sizes and might be confusing at first. When purchasing yarn and a hook for your first project, make sure that the sizes match, for example, use a 4mm hook to crochet 4mm yarn. Additionally, you can invest in some good-quality scissors, crochet needles, and stitch holders if you’re feeling extra. The best places to get these tools are craft or fabric stores—think Michaels or Fabricville.
Basic Stitches
When learning crochet, there are many different kinds of stitches to get different results. They also follow a similar pattern, but each have different steps. Here are some basic stitches that you might come across at the beginning of your crochet journey. Not mentioned in this chart is the most basic and essential stitch: the chain. The chain is the base of most projects and is the first thing you’ll need to master. Watch a tutorial to get started, and practice, practice, practice. It might not look like much, but with each stitch you make, the more confident you’ll be.
If you’re looking for a new hobby, trying to be more sustainable in your consumption, or just thinking it looks cool, learning to crochet is a great skill for you to pick up this year. It might not be easy at first but, in no time, you’ll be a crochet champion!