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More Study Tips for the Black Kats

Writer: Molly JonesMolly Jones

As we all know, being an active student is not always fun. Especially now, as we are met face to face with mid-year and all the work it entails. Within this article I will list a few positive study habits that may help you enjoy an easier journey through this academic period.

It is said that a clear space equals a clear mind, so take this into consideration next time you sit down to do some schoolwork. Ask yourself if the area you are working in will improve the efficiency of your work period. Have you decluttered your desk? Are you in a tidy room? Do you have all the materials you need set up and ready to go? All of these quick and small steps could be the very thing you need to write the next show-stopping essay.

Another tip is to take a break! Sometimes when we’ve overwhelmed ourselves with so much work our brains seem to just give up on us and we are unable to get work done with 100% motivation. If you feel yourself starting to stress or tire, get up and get a drink or a bite to eat. Go for a walk, or listen to some music. It is okay to put yourself first sometimes, you can’t work well if you don’t allow yourself to be in a positive mood.

Ask for help! It is okay to be stumped, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about needing help with what you’re working on. It is extremely easy to find the help; it constantly surrounds us, what with smart friends, trusted adults and teachers, or even a simple google search. As long as there is no cheating or plagiarism involved, a little help never hurt no one!



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